Types of Membership
- Founder Membership
- Ordinary Membership
- Associate Membership
Only Ordinary membership is open for application.
Associate membership is only opened to individuals who are members or learners of SSG appointed Social Club or Golf Academy.
All membership in the Society is individual and non-transferable.
Membership Qualification & Rights
Every applicant for membership must satisfy ALL the following criteria:
- Residing in Singapore (regardless of nationality)
- At least 18 years of age or older (regardless of race, sex, or religion)
- Should have an interest in the game of golf
Only Ordinary members who are 21 years of age and above shall have the right to vote and to hold office in the Society.
The Associate members will enjoy the same benefits as the Ordinary members except:
- They shall not be qualified to be officers or members of the Management Committee unless coopted by the Management Committee;
- They shall not be qualified to vote or move or second resolutions; and
- They shall not be qualified to nominate members for elections to the Management Committee.
One-time Entrance Fee
- Ordinary (Category A & B): $20.00
- Associate (Category A & B): Waived
The difference between Category A and Category B is that the former will enjoy the handicapping privilege provided by the Society. A member may wish to convert his or her membership from Category B to Category A by paying a conversion fee of $50.00.
Annual Subscription Fee
The annual subscription fee is due and payable on 1st January of each year. It is based on a calendar year. No pro-rated annual subscription fee will be given or allowed.
- Ordinary/Associate (Category A): $90.00
- Ordinary/Associate (Category B): $50.00
Membership Benefits & Privileges
Both Ordinary and Associate Members of SSG will enjoy the following benefits and privileges:
- Being recognised as a member of a bona fide Club
- Obtain a valid and official WHS Handicap Index
- Enjoy reduced fees on golf lessons
- Enjoy reduced green fees at selected Golf Clubs
- Enjoy discounts from selected Pro Shops
- Enjoy Extended Family Scheme for Juniors/Minors
- Enjoy reduced premium for Golfer’s Insurance
- Connect to a vast network of golfers
- Participate in any sanctioned Tournament or Competition
- Participate in regular golf-related activities organised by the Society
Application Procedure
- Simply download the Ordinary Membership Form below
- Email the completed form to admin@singaporegolfers.org
- PayNow the membership fees by using our UEN as follows: T03SS0032H
Upon receipt of the above, we will process and notify the applicant once their application is approved.