Results – SSG Monthly Medal @ Kranji Sanctuary Golf Course

The above was held at Kranji Sanctuary Golf Course with a total of 35 players.

Winners in the respective Divisions are:

Men’s Division (Gross)
Champion: Matthew Travis Rigby
Runner-up: Lam Yong Beng Kelvin

Men’s Division (Nett)
Champion: Eric Frappier
Runner-up: Muhammad Izad

Women’s Division (Gross)
Champion: Ong Lea Ling Helena

Women’s Division (Nett)
Champion: Mah Hung Mun Susan

Seniors’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Mustafa Ali

Seniors’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Soon Gud Voon

Results for SSG-Tering Bay IAC 2019

The SSG-Tering Bay International Amateur Championship was held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club in Batam, Indonesia, from 30 June 2019 to 3 July 2019.

It was a counting event for World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR) and has had attracted a field of 94 players vying for the championship.

The following winners in the respective divisions are:

Men’s Division
Champion: Mr Sean Lee (Singapore)
1st Runner-up: Mr Nicklaus Chiam (Singapore)
2nd Runner-up: Mr Nathen Tan (Singapore)
3rd Runner-up: Mr Justin Kuk (Singapore)

Women’s Division
Champion: Ms Hailey Loh (Singapore)
Runner-up: Ms Callista Chen (Singapore)

Seniors’ Division
Champion: Mr William Houng-Lee (New Zealand)
Runner-up: Mr Ng Ah Hock (Malaysia)

Evergreen’s Division
Champion: Ms Choo Mui Lee (Singapore)
Runner-up: Ms Chong Yoke Ying Agnes (Singapore)

To view the Overall Results, simply click or tap on the respective results below:

Results – SSG Monthly Medal @ Bintan Lagoon Resort

The above competition was held at Jack Nicklaus course at Bintan Lagoon Resort on 27 April 2019 with a total of 65 participants.

Winners of the following respective Divisions are:

Men’s Division (Gross)
Champion: Robert Ian Honeyball
2nd Place: Chan Wai Kit

Ladies’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Ong Lea Ling Helena

Seniors’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Lee Seung-Ho Tomas

Men’s Division (Nett)
Champion: Raymond Tan
2nd Place: Howard Parker

Ladies’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Lim Shishi Cecilia

Seniors’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Raj Mohamed Sultan

To view Overall Gross & Nett Results, simply download a copy of the followings:

Results – SSG Quarterly Tournament cum President’s Cup (Round 1)

The above was held at Warren Golf & Country Club on 21 March 2019 with a total of 47 participants.

The respective winners in the following Divisions are:

Team Champion
Mr Leng Fat Cheng
Mr Tan Kok Leong

Men’s Division (Best Gross)
Champion: Mr Chandra Sekar
2nd Place: Mr Lim Wee Hun Charles

Men’s Division (Best Nett)
Champion: Mr Leng Fat Cheng
2nd Place: Mr Duta Hadi Sriwulaya

Ladies’ Division (Best Gross)
Champion: Ms Ong Lea Ling Helena

Ladies’ Division (Best Nett)
Champion: Ms Mah Hung Mun Susan

Seniors’ Division (Best Gross)
Champion: Mr Yee Huan Pheng Andy

Seniors’ Division (Best Nett)
Champion: Mr Nicholas Merrow-Smith

Suspension of Membership

It is hereby notified for general information that the membership of Mr Soh Oon Beng Calvin has been suspended with effect from 28 February 2019 until further notice.

By Order of the Management Committee
Dated: 28 February 2019

Results – SSG Monthly Medal @ The Keppel Club

The above competition was held at The Keppel Club on 21 February 2019 with a total of 62 participants.

Winners of the following respective Divisions are:

Men’s Division (Gross)
Champion: Matthew Travis Rigby
2nd Place: Goh Swee Heng Steven

Ladies’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Mah Hung Mun Susan

Seniors’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Lim Wee Hun Charles

Men’s Division (Nett)
Champion: Ngiang Thian Chye
2nd Place: Duta Hadi Sriwaluya

Ladies’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Ong Lea Ling Helena

Seniors’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Nicholas Merrow-Smith

To view Overall Gross & Nett Results, simply download a copy of the followings:

Results – SSG Monthly Medal @ Tering Bay Golf & Country Club

The above competition was held at Tering Bay Golf & Country Club on 12 January 2019 with a total of 51 participants.

Winners of the following respective Divisions are:

Men’s Division (Gross)
Champion: Matthew Travis Rigby
2nd Place: Robert Ian Honeyball

Ladies’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Valerie Gilles-Coeur

Seniors’ Division (Gross)
Champion: Morgan Tan

Men’s Division (Nett)
Champion: Tan Chin Heng Nick
2nd Place: Said Bin Ali

Ladies’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Nor’Ashikin Bte Samsudin

Seniors’ Division (Nett)
Champion: Lee Jim How

To view Overall Gross & Nett Results, simply download a copy of the followings: